BronchE.HTM8"`B@߈ߎDDX݀ TEXTGoMka3ay The Chronic Bronchitis

The Chronic Bronchitis


What is a chronic bronchitis?

The chronic bronchitis is a disease of the respiratory system, in which coughing and sputum occur for at least 3 months over 2 consecutive years. For most of the people it is a lifelong condition, although good quality of life can be achieved by appropriate therapy.
The exact causes of chronic bronchitis are still not fully cleared up, but a relationship with the following factors seems established: cigarette smoking, industrial pollution, climatic load (fog and cold humidity) and infections with certain bacteria.
In chronic bronchitis the ciliated epithelium (i.e. cells which are covered with a brush like layer to move dust and mucus out of the lungs) is damaged and therefore cannot fulfil its task. More and more mucus collects in the airways, clogs the bronchioles (the smaller airways) and forms an ideal medium for bacteria, so that new infections can occur.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis

The treatment depends on the subjective and objective severity of the illness and must be adjusted individually. It seems most important to avoid triggers like nicotine. Improvement may be achieved as well by breathing technique and tapping massages.
For medical treatment simpatico-mimetics from beta-type are used for inhalation (this is a product meant to dilate the bronchioles). Depending on the patient’s need theophylline as well as corticosteroids are used to dilate the bronchioles and to lower the sensibility of the bronchioles. Antibiotics are required for acute infections.

Recommendations for the patient

The treatment consists mainly of the patients active co-operation. Avoid nicotine and other for you irritating factors. Talk to your doctor about any changes in your cough, for example the colour of the sputum. Also if you have any problems with your medicine, your doctor is the right one to talk to; he can help you to minimise or to avoid any adverse effects.
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Anzahl Tabletten:.............. alle .............. Stunden  täglich   Nächster Arzttermin am ................
Anzahl Tropfen: ............... alle ............. Stunden  täglich   um ...................Uhr

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