NiereE.HTM$8"`B@߈ߎDDXOPTEXTGoMkJg> Infection of the urinary tract

Infection of the urinary tract


What are urinary tract infections ?

Any presence of an infectious germ within the urinary tract is called an infection with the urinary tract being composed of the kidney, the ureter, the bladder and the urethra. The most common form is the infection of the bladder that comes typically with frequent urination accompanied with a burning pain and a tenderness above the pubic bone. It is also possible for the patient to notice blood in his urine. A urinary tract infection is mostly found in women, in men it occurs usually only after the 50st birthday. The reason for this is found in the slightly different anatomy of the woman ( the urethra being shorter, closeness of the urethra opening and the anal region) whereas in men a urinary tract infection is mostly due to changes in the size of the prostate which can represent an obstruction in the urinary passages.

What causes urinary tract infections ?

The germs causing such infections come most of the time from the skin in the anal region and from the rectum. Once in the urethra opening they start climbing up the urinary tract causing a so called ascending infection. Other promoting factors for an urinary tract infection can be malformations of the kidneys or the urinary passages, a depression of the immune system for example in patients on intensive care units but also in diabetic patients, obstructions through stones or tumours or chronic use of pain medication. If an infection of the renal pelvis occurs (pyelonephritis) the symptoms are the same as described above in combination with fever, general weakness and a tenderness to percussion above the renal bed. A urinary tract infection is being diagnosed primarily because of its symptoms, in addition the urine is tested for bacteria and blood, the size and shape of the kidneys as well as signs for obstruction or hydronephrosis can be detected via ultrasound.

How are urinary tract infections being treated?

The treatment consist of antibiotics, it is important for the patient to co-operate in drinking lots of fluids (flushing of the kidneys and the urinary passages) and in case of a pyelonephritis to remain in bed and to apply heat locally. As a patient you can also help to prevent further urinary tract infection in always drinking enough fluids, and especially for women to avoid a contamination of the urethra opening through proper techniques when cleaning the outer genitals (always wiping from front to back).
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