VenenE.HTM8"`B@߈ߎDDXTEXTGoMk6o Disorders of the Veins , Varicose Veins

Disorders of the Veins , Varicose Veins


What do varicose veins actually mean?

Varicose veins are superficial veins which are visible usually on the legs due to dilation and crossing path. Varicose veins arise with increasing age and are found more frequently in women than in men. If only the veins on the surface are concerned, the deeper veins of the leg can take over blood transport; if also the connecting veins to the veins situated lower or they themselves are involved, serious symptoms, even tumor formations may result.

What causes varicose veins ?

An inherited weakness of tissue, thromboses or a disease of the vein valves may be the cause. Influences of hormones during pregnancy (also by taking the pill) or by changes in blood clotting can cause a clot to form and lead to irritation, which then damages the vein valves.

Lack of exercise and extensive standing may increase the problems. If the veins expand permanently, the vein valves can no longer close and the blood flows back into the legs. First changes in the skin, then eczema and open abscesses may arise.

How are varicose veins treated?

In most cases the cause cannot be eliminated, treatment is directed at eliminating the results, like blood accumulation and abscesses. Serious varicose veins are removed by undergoing surgery or closed off by injection. An elastic compression bandage presses the veins together and thus allows the vein valves to close again. This treatment demands much discipline, but in the long run can relieve suffering.

Medication which influence blood clotting is given for acute thromboses. They can also be prescribed as a preventive measure if the risk for thromboses is high: before operations, during bed rest, in case of heart and circulation and other diseases or injuries.

Ask your doctor for the possibilities of treatment in your case.
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